What Are The Benefits Of Horny Goat Weed For Women


The symptoms of menopause and sexual dysfunction are sourced up to 15 species of Epimedium that comprised plants native to Korea, Japan and China. Consider the medical portion of the genus contain 60 different species. The species of Epimedium with traditional Chinese medicine are also concerned by Yin Yang Huo. Then the flavonoid ingredient of the horny goat weed called icariin. To help the blood flow in the genital part of the women and men will increase the nitric oxide level and relax smooth muscle. Enhancing this supplement used to libido for females and males. The blood flow of the genital part will increase likelihood of orgasm reach. They can be improved by mood, which help to modulate levels of cortisol, a stress hormone and testosterone.


In July 2007 published journal of Bone and mineral research has been shown Epimediumbrevicornum. Without hyperplasia effect can help to prevent the loss of bone in postmenopausal. It is characterized by increasing amount of an organic tissue. The results in tumors should be caused by cell proliferation. Thus the studies were double-blind placebo-controlled with 24 month random clinical trials. In the phytoestrogen flavonoid was high for Epimediumbrevicornum maxim.. This type of flavonoid helps to improve the cognitive performance and mood as well as reduce hypertension, heart disease and osteoporosis. With additional plant extract of the estrogenic called Epimediumbrevicornum, which is useful for women on hormone replacement. These results are preliminary and required to further research.

Use in TCM

The Chinese academy science has been listed in the group of herbs that promote longevity and slow aging process. An Epimedium species of the Wuhan Botanical Garden have noted. The sexual enhancement, anti-aging effect, anticancer and improved immunity are widely used in TCM. Thus the medicine active component of the genus is the Epimedium within the constituent of context, polysaccharide and flavonoid. Modern medicine is used to combine with an herbal formula like bronchitis, congestive heart failure, leucopenia, leucorrhoea, asthma, viral infection and cervical dysphasia of the heart. The kidney tone extract of horny goat weed in Yin Yang Huo in which strength of yang increases the libido for women. Symptoms of kidney deficiency, including infrequent urination, infertility, impotence, pain, knee and cold lower back. The yang deficient like a watery or pale of menstrual blood and back aches are associated within their period.They may look a anemic or pale have dark circle under the weak voice and eyes. In addition to herbs such as Moxibustion in TCM technique that burn mugwort to healing. To avoid the natural cold, served cold for herbs, foods and drinks. In addition to vegetables, fruits, ice, beverages and juices should be avoided for very cold and counterproductive of yang condition.


Within TCM prolonged, may lead dizziness, damage yin, dry mouth, vomit and nosebleed caused by low blood pressure, upset stomach and irregular heartbeat. High dose has linked to respiratory and spasms failure can interact with blood thinner, aspirin and antidepressants.

Women used to improve the sexual dysfunction, blood flow, sensitivity of the genital area and support for organisms. The scientific research of genus is limited. To make sure before taking this supplement is the right to important speak with the doctor.

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